Thursday, 10 December 2015



Seems like most peeps take it lightly when comedian, actors or movie directors infuse and imitate the actions of stammers especially their difficulty in speaking articulately. Dr. Emmanuel Asampong who is at the school of Public Health, University of Ghana  in an interview with the SOOBOLO team said that stammers constant ridicule in movies and by comedians have negative social impact on them, he said that such persons feel intimidated leading to a their social complex.

We asked Dr. Emma what could be the possible cause of stammering? 

Oooh, to say that something caused it that I do not know but stammering does come naturally to those born with it…

We asked Dr. Emma if mimicking people who stammer could cause direct influences on us. Hmm just guess what he said peeps!

  Dr. explained that the more you ridicule stammers the more your mind grasp to their actions making you stammer yourself as time goes on.

We asked Dr. Emma if the superstitions around curing stammering are true, eg “when maize found on the ground are roasted and served to them”.

That I do not know of that but I advise stammers to go for speech therapy /take their time when trying to speak and practice breathing exercises.

SOOBOLO went out on the streets to ask the public what they thought was the underlining cause of stammering. Meeannn … it was so silly but yh we did!

John; I believe it’s hereditary 

Maame Adjoa; nooo, I can’t comment buh my bro stammers so I did mimic him a lot, and that got him angry always but surprisingly he don’t stammer anymore now that we are adults but then my kids do.

Araba; its natural, I believe GOD knows why 

Williams; ahhh u paaah , hmm its copied wai abi we all did that to stammers in school and till date when I get angry I can hardly speak clearly.

Although we’ve not spoke any movie director explain why using stammers are popular acts in movies especially if we want to describe the movie as hilarious. We will try our very best.

Thanks to Dr. Emmanuel Asampong for granting us this interview.

 Credit: NK OKYERE - The SOOBOLO team

NB; Some names have been changed in the article

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