Saturday, 2 January 2016



Overseer of Open Arms Ministries Rev. Kofi Nkansah-Sarkodie has allegedly declared Ghana from all oppressions of Demonic power, and claims that Ghana is in the control of Christ Jesus at a press release at Kumasi 11th December.
Saint Sack
According to Rev. Nkansah-Sarkodie, popularly known as “brother sack” said that our forefathers never committed Ghana into the hand of God, but rather encouraged the worship of idols and demonic practices that has derailed this country of progress and stability over the years, and God has divinely elected him to intercede for the country to gain freedom from forces of darkness.
SOOBOLO spoke to Rev. Nkansah-Sarkodie who emphasized that his obedience to God had made Ghana out evil into the open following the release  of Anas aremeyaw Anas video Ghana in the eyes of God investigative video which contained actions of some lawyers taking bribe, also the destruction of many items used by occults in Kumasi etc.

He said that during state ceremonies no libation should be poured  to honour any spiritual diety as the spirits who were invoked are no more present in the boundaries of Ghana. According to him anybody in Ghana from the highest authority to the lowest should desist from idolism, occults, masons etc should you not hid to this warning you may become sick with strange illness like stroke, blindness etc. Rev. Nkansah-Sarkodie says that for evidence sake all those who were involved in certan unsrupulous demonic act are seriously ill with some declared dead because the choose to still enage in evil practises despite rampant warnings during his press relaese in Kumasi.

SOOBOLO spoke to Rev. Nkansah to find out if rumors regarding him saying that the all deities have been driven away and rendered powerless out of Ghana following the missing idols and sacred artifacts being stolen by relic thieves who raided a shrine in Kumasi. His response was that all popular shrine deities including Antoa have left for India and won’t be able to return back at all. His final words are that GHANA is in the hands of the Almighty GOD and no power can withstand the country anymore.

credit:Nk Okyere-Soobolo

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