Dr. Nimako writes: Why bleaching can fast-track your
ochronosis. You may never have heard of it, but I am certain you have seen it.
This is the darkening seen around the eyes and over the joints of someone who
has been using skin lightening (aka bleaching) creams for a long period.
craze has come from a popular believe that light skinned women are more
beautiful, more successful, more fashionable and have a higher chance of
finding a husband than dark skinned counterparts. The source of this believe is
still a mystery to many, but some researchers believe it is steeped in Africa’s
colonial history, where white skin was considered better than black.
women are not the only ones who bleach. Men bleach too. Even children are being
bleached by their parents, and this is abhorrent to say the least.
in itself is not medically prohibited; there are medical conditions in which
this process is employed. Vitiligo, in which some skin cells fail to produce
the dark pigment melanin, is a case in point. To even out the skin tone in a
bad case of vitiligo, the unaffected skin is lightened with prescription
problem with bleaching is the use of over the counter products that contain
agents that are harmful in high concentrations or ones that are toxic to the
body even in small quantities. Unfortunately, these are the common and
affordable ones.
diminishes the activity of or totally destroys the cells in the skin that
produce melanin, the pigment that protects us from harmful ultraviolet
radiation from the sun. The effects of some bleaching agents go beyond melanin:
they affect other organs, with severe complications.
commonest agent in bleaching creams is hydroquinone. In concentrations of 2% or
less, it is reportedly safe for short-term use. However, a lot of the creams on
our market contain more than 4% (because that is the concentration that gives
the desired effect quickly) – even when they have declared 2% on the packaging
– and most people use it for many years at a stretch.
manufacturers of such creams may attempt to deceive by giving it an alternative
name like 1, 4-Benzenediol, Quinol, p-Diphenol, Hydrochinone, p-Hydroxylphenol,
Hydroquinol and Tequinol. Don’t be fooled. They all mean the same thing.
use of hydroquinone destroys the melanin-producing cells in the skin and makes
the skin more susceptible to the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Sunburns and skin irritation become more common and over a prolonged period of
use exogenous ochronosis occurs.
risk for skin cancer is also increased significantly when
hydroquinone-containing creams are used for long periods. These creams are also
thought to be triggers for other cancers, like cancers of the blood
(leukaemia), kidneys and liver.
bleaching agent is mercury. Though banned in most countries, including Ghana,
this element is still found in some bleaching creams smuggled into the country.
It is known to cause neurological defects and kidney damage, not only to the user,
but also to close contacts.
bleaching products also contain steroids such as cortisone and clobetasol,
whose long term use can have disastrous health consequences.
is a catalogue of some of the possible complications from using these steroid-containing
- Thin, Easily bruised skin
- Disfiguring stretch marks
- Increased risk of hypertension
- Increased blood sugar, with increased risk of diabetes
- Gum bleeding
- Increased risk of glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Weight gain
- Insufficiency of the adrenal glands when the bleaching cream is abruptly stopped, which results in a crisis comprising dangerously low blood pressure, low blood sugar and low body temperature (hypothermia).
are many other bleaching agents in common use, some of which are claimed to be
safe. Such claims are still in contention.
has taught us that we continuously adapt to fit into our environment. You need
not be a genius to realize that we need our melanin to protect us from the
scorching African sun. Some people though will always defy reason: even the
litany of harmful side effects I have outlined above cannot deter them from
using these harmful bleaching products.
the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) seems to have a solution of sorts: it intends
to ban the use of hydroquinone in cosmetic products from August this year. I
hope they stick to their word. Then at least, these products will be out of
sight and, hopefully, out of mind. It does not mean bleaching will be a thing
of the past, but at least it will be less dangerous and less common.
await a time when we will all be comfortable in our skin, be it black, brown or
may have your reasons for bleaching (or toning, or highlighting- whatever you
decide to call it) but bear in mind that it has adverse consequences. I cannot
pretend to be an expert in cosmetology and prescribe what is beautiful or how
to achieve it. I am, however, well aware of the medical complications of your
quest to be lighter than dark, and for that I can confidently say that black is
K.T. Nimako (MB ChB)
on Twitter: @KTNimako
an e-mail: kojotwumnimako@gmail.com
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